Why have been there been no updates?

Simple answer: Over the past year, my life has gone through multiple events and am going through even more events.

I’m currently going though a major relocation of my home. My partner and I have a combined of 3 homes that we are trying to consolidate into one home.. So much chaos that you can’t even shake a fist at the pace of change

I’m going to try to get back into blogging but, with the chaos going on in my life, it’s harder to gather my thoughts and put it into a post.

Don’t worry, I’m still very opinionated about things, I’ve just scaled back in my rants and raves!

Stay tuned and I’ll writing a new blog over the next few days on the chaos!

New Year New beginnings – Dad’s Taxi reinventing myself

I’ve been writing this for a few decades now and the time has come to end this blog. To my tens of followers, thank you for always reading my rants and raves over this time. I started this blog as a way to put on paper my misadventures as a parent of two girls and raising them from childhood to adulthood and having them be the best they can be. These ladies are now adults and independent, self sufficient young ladies.

My older daughter is an social worker in NYC and my younger one is on their way to adult, once they cross the threshold of what I’ll refer to as an “emerging adult“. My younger one graduated from college and has now started her career as a social worker. Both of my kids are giving back to society and that makes me so proud!

I’m going to digress and define for you what an emerging adult. I head this phrase in 2022 on a Clark Howard Podcast which I’ve become a fan of.

What is an emerging adult?

  • Someone who graduates from college and is living life at home with their parents’
  • They don’t really have full adult responsibilities (No Rent, mortgage, utilities, cell phone plans, groceries, car insurance, etc)
  • They have a full time job but really are not able to save money, because they are having too much fun, living their best life with their parents.

Enough of my digression. It’s been real fun sharing my adventures of raising my kids. Some of these adventures, were really amusing in retrospect.

Going forward, as I enter the golden years of my life, I’m going to write about stuff that interest me

  • Preparing for retirement – A few more years and I’d like to live my golden years living life the way I want to live it.
  • Living life to the fullest and enjoying myself
  • Investing and financial tips
  • What I like to watch – Yes I’m a confirmed addict on Netflix, Amazon, Paramount, and Hulu
  • Podcasts – Hey I’ve been toying with the idea of starting my own podcast. This is just in the ideation phase.
  • Travel – Seeing the world and the beauty that surrounds us
  • Building a long term relationship with my parter. She has been with me for over 3 and 1/2 years and she is truly amazing. With my divorce, I never thought I would find someone who gets me.. my Quirks, nuances, sarcasm, and just accepting me the way I am
  • My Kids – Seeing them mature and start their own families so one day they can say to me. “Thank you Dad!, I get it now why you said and did the things you did raising us to be best we can be!“.
  • Watching the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup!
  • Watching the New York Jets win a Super Bowl (this may be a long shot at best)

Uncharted territory –

So last week, I climbed into a new decade numerically. I now qualify for senior citizen discounts much easier. The week was pretty difficult emotionallly. I was no longer in my 50’s and Dad can be considered easily be called Grand-Dad if the situation happened (not looking forward to that.

I was reflecting and thinking, how did I get here? It seemed like only yesterday that I was graduating from college and suddenly I realized, that was almost 40 years ago! That was a sobering thought . On the whole the past few weeks have ben really wonderful. A week before I turned 60, I also celebrated my 25th anniversery at my current employer. To me that was a bigger accomplishment. Somthing that I never in my life I would achieve .

I think for me last week was special because of a few things:

  • I experienced a real surprise birthday party, orchestrated by my daughter and my girl friend. I was clueless to the planning and I walked in to the party, and the people (My lifelong friends) that have had the most influence in my life were there. To say this was overwhelming would be an understatement! It’s not easy to keep secrets from me but these two young ladies threw out diversions (oh it’s just a dinner with the two of us, I hope you are doing something special for your self Dad, etc.)
  • In my life I can count on 6 fingers the friends that have been truly been there for every decade of my existence. To see these people celebrate with me, the passage into my next chapter, was so moving. It just melted my cynical/sarcastic heart!

In retrospect of the last decade for me, I learned a lot about myself:

  • I learned that taking things for granted, will only cause you heartbreak when everything falls apart
  • Appreciate what you have and always move forward and look to the future. You should always understand your past, but if you dwell on what has happened, you can never live for today and tomorrow.
  • Over the past decade: I survived divorce (there is so much pain and healing here), multiple medical issues, and came out of with a new sense of identity. I call this version 2.0 of me. The new version of me is learning to step outside my comfort zone and take risks. Accepting your past and not repeating the same mistakes is key. I made plenty of mistakes in the past decade, but I still came out of with a new found sense of identity and self awareness that I really didn’t think I had when I turned 50.
  • My sense of humor survived. I learned to laugh at myself for the mistakes and detours I consistently had to make!
  • On-line dating in your 50’s is very difficult. Not to say, that it’s any easier in your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. This I gathered from informal polls of my friends and family.

What does the future hold for me? I really don’t know. I do know that ageing gracefully and understanding that the future can only be as bright and positive as I make it out to be.

I hope to be around when I turn the clock to the next decade, and I’ll look back on this post and ask.. where did he decade go?

Vaccination Card Tip

Did you know that you can take your vaccination card and for less than $3, you can get it reduced and laminated so it fits into your wallet? Go to your local Staples printing center and they will do this for your.

My original vaccination card was falling apart and once I got my booster, I found about this tip to be very useful.

2021 – I am an Ally (The Awakening)

2021 was the year that I became an ally. This was a difficult year with many different emotions. Shock, dismay, confusion, anger, disappointment, and the finally what should have happened first is acceptance. If you are reading this and wondering what the heck is Dad writing about, you will only get one guess as to why I’m an ally.

This is a first of a series of blog entries that I plan to write over the next few weeks about me me becoming an ally of for my transgender child. I welcome your comments, but please be respectful.

I have two daughters , and most of this blog over many years has been dedicated to writing about stuff that has happened raising them in NJ. Many of my blog posts were humorous, with touches of my own brand of humor. I was clueless that one of my children who was born a female of south asian descent and a first generation American, was going through an internal battle of being their (They/Them) true selves. We raised my daughter with the pronouns of “She/Her”. In 2021 I finally realized that pronouns do matter and we should have recognized what my daughter’s true pronouns were sooner!

Keep in mind growing up as a South Asian child in predominantly non-diverse community was difficult enough in Middletown, NJ. Being a child was going through a gender identification process during this same time was even more difficult. To add to this stress, their parents were in a difficult marriage that was falling apart while they were a teenager and in their last years in high school. All of these issues compounded one on top of each other and they were heavily affected by everything.

As many parents know, their teenagers are establishing their identity and this is displayed in their behavior. For us, we just thought we were raising a sensitive child that needed extra attention. In reality, they were not just being sensitive, they were trying to deal the multitude of emotions that compounded their own gender fluidity issues.

As a parent (and this applies to both my ex-wife and myself), we were oblivious to their feelings. While as parents, we were battling our marriage woes, we were not able to we were not opening our eyes to our child’s battle to transform themselves and the internal/external battles and the needs of our child. We were so absorbed in our own self pity and marriage battles, that we didn’t take the time to observe what our child needed. Our child needed us to hold them and support their needs!

At the beginning of 2021, I thought that the strain of the relationship with my younger daughter was because of the divorce which had occurred during the last two hears of their high school. This was only partially true. They/Them were struggling with their emotions, and they didn’t have confidence that their parents would be accepting.

Through out this blog, I keep referring to their pronouns, which is something at the beginning of 2021, I was not able/willing to understand/accept. At the beginning of this year, I never would have thought the I’d get used to speaking of my child with the pronouns of “They/Them” and celebrating their non-binary life.

It took a lot of soul searching and research to understand the needs of my child. I needed to educate myself on transgender process. Additionally, I needed to become an ally and a positive supporter in my child’s lifestyle and decision.

Why am I writing this blog today? Well, I came across a documentary a few days ago and it shook me to my core. I needed to express my thoughts in a positive manner in which, hopefully, it will bring a sense of peace to me any my family as we continue to unconditionally support my child in her transformation to a beautiful non-binary person.

Right now, I’m watching the amazing documentary “Simply Jane” on Amazon and I’m learning from every episode new things that I need to absorb and apply in my daily life as an ally.

Stay tuned, as I talk more about this process that I continue to go through as an ally and my experiences that I lived through in becoming a true ally!

2021 – How many streaming services do you need?

As I was sitting and my mind was wandering.. How many streaming services do I really need?

In order of importance, here are my services and I invite you to agree/disagree/add to this list.

  • Netflix – I cannot live without my Netflix.. the new shows, originals, series just keep me captivated. Forget the cost increments to almost $16 per month. Absolutely worth it
  • Amazon – For original series this is the go to place for me. As a South Asian the limited run series that are coming out of India are just outstanding.. I’d say I don’t really go here for movies, but sometimes I am surprised
  • Hulu – My go to place for commercial free television shows that I no longer record on DVR. My guilty pleasure here is: “Kill Eve”. I watch Hulu constantly and find new series every day
  • HBO Max – So many shows, so many movies (especially the Marvel series!)
  • Disney+ – Yes I love Disney as I approach my late middle age.

When I look at my Roku, there are others that I visit once in a while (You Tube), but what I listed above are my go to sites. Now my task at hand is to be a cord cutter and get rid of my cable subscription which I pay almost $180 per month!

So what are you favorites?

Covid-19 – Bingeworthy

As this is my 2nd or 3rd month of social isolation, I decided to throw start posting here some of the things I’ve binged on. I find that once I start, I don’t stop.

I’m sure I’ve seen so much more over the past few months that I suddenly realize.. I should do something more productive with my isolation time!


  • Outer Banks – One season – Teenagers on a treasure hunt
  • She – One Season – Indian Crime Drama – watched this with subtitles
  • Money Heist – 4 Seasons – Spanish dubbed crime drama.. extremely addictive
  • Extraction – Action – Really fast moving
  • Spenser Confidential – Decent Action movie
  • Schitts Creek – 5 Seasons – Comedy – Don’t miss this. Waiting for season 6
  • Kim’s Convenience – 4 seasons -Comedy – Outstanding comedy.
  • New Girl – 7 seasons- mindless comedy
  • Wanted – 3 seasons – Australian chick flick with good action and comedy
  • Brown Nation – 1 season – Indian Comedy
  • Criminal Minds – 12 seasons – CBS show
  • Cheers – All seasons – Can watch this over and over again
  • Ozark
  • Hasan Minaj – Patriot Games – Multiple episodes! – Parody on life and truly worth it.
  • Angel Has Fallen – Movie – An absolutely loud and fast paced action movie – Don’t miss it.

Amazon – Most of my binging has been on Netflix so need to review why have I not binged here

  • Amazing Mrs. Maisel – Still trying to get into this
  • Sacred Games – Indian Crime drama (dubbed in english

I invite you to respond and share with me what you think is bingeworthy!

ok.. there

Covid-19 – Hitting the pause button

As I enter the second month of social isolation and distancing I was reflecting on all the things in my life that I’ve hit the pause button on. The list below is in no particular order.. or as I normally write… stream of consciousness.

Tennis – After my health issues at the end of the year, I had just started to get back into my tennis ritual and bam! Just like a body shot when you are standing at the net, that stopped at the end of February..

Having normal work hours – I no longer have normal 10 hour days, but my days now can be anwhere from 12 to 15 hours a day with weekend work as well. Bam! another pause button.

Entertainment – Instead of going to the movies or having dinner out , my routines consist of ordering curbside pickup and binging on Netflix, Amazon an Hulu! Just how much can you binge. Well apparently it’s endless binge and sleep deprivation when you just cannot stop binging on a series that you have to finish tonight! Bam! another pause button

Romance and personal relationships – As a divorced dad, I met someone that I’ve become very atttached to and with her getting Covid-19. She is recovering (thank Goodness!, but we have put a pause on the relationship for almost 2 months now.

So the question arises.. when we un-pause this social distancing, do we subtract out the time that we didn’t see each other from the total time of the relationship? This is a tough question to answer and if you have any insights, feel free to weigh in. When she reads this posting, I can almost guarantee that we will have an extensive discussion on this one.

Haircuts and Car maintenance – since the shut down of non-essential businesses in NJ, no haircuts! Yeah my check engine light will stay on for another month or so.. as I’m not risking going for auto repair.

Costco addiction – I used to go to Costco almost every weekend for the gas refills and food sampling.. that quickly was eliminated by Costco with social distancing rules. Can’t even get a cold frozen coffee! I do have a workaround for this though.. I now am hooked on the $2 Latte at Dunkin between 2 and 6 PM

I’m actually saving money with the reduction in going to Costcoand food shopping in general! Yay me for reduction of my credit card issues! You will be so surprised how many weeks you can survive just on what you have in the freezer and fridge, before you have to go out (with mask and glove) for replenishment of needed food items.

On a positive note: One thing I have to admit which I know is a positive thing, I’ve gotten closer to both my kids. One has moved back in with her mother, and the other is isolated in College in Pittsburgh!

So that’s just a few of the things I’ve paused, what have you paused?? I’d like to get your feedback

Covid-19 – Distance and entertain yourself!

It’s been over a month since I’ve been isolated/quarantined in my condo in Red Bank NJ. It’s been an interesting experience. Every day rolls into another and the hardest part of this is the isolation. Yeah, I take daily walks in my community to keep myself busy, but the social interaction with friends and family is just gone and I don’t know when it’s coming back!

At times, I feel we are living in a third world country. We can’t get tested, we don’t have a vaccine, and the only answer to this pandemic is social distancing?

Today, I’m going to list what I’ve been doing to keep my sanity or as many people might interpret my insanity.

Entertainment: When you are socially isolated, your entertainment is primarily streaming services. For me in my order of preference: Netflix, Hulu, You Tube (for foreign news) and Amazon.

Eating through my fridge: After a month, I’ve actually eaten through 1/3 of my freezer and my non-frozen foods. I actually now think about cooking new things. I have not gone to the supermarket or Costco in over 3 weeks!

Get masks and gloves. This is where I fell behind the eight ball. I didn’t have any masks, and didn’t really have gloves. Fortunately, after week 3, I finally got both! I’m still trying to master the art of wearing a mask and making sure my glasses don’t fog up!

Find your place of Zen: For me this place is by a lake that is in my community. I go here to watch the geese, doves and just sit by the lake.

New Addictions: Words with Friends and Candy Crush. I find that every day, I’m playing more and more of these games on my iPhone than I ever have.. Sometimes, not getting enough sleep due to these obsessions.

Daily Briefings from the White House: This is bad. It’s like watching a train wreck every day. Better yet, it’s like watching a reality show gone terribly wrong. Yet, I find myself hypnotized to listen to the misinformation being conveyed. The only person I believe in is Dr. Fauci who in my mind has become a national hero for the clarity he speaks. The rest is just political showmanship. Not my cup of tea. Many of my readers will disagree on what I say, but watching this daily briefing and Twitter have becoming parallel roads of news..

Social Distancing: This is my mantra for the future (for at least next month). See my tips below on how manage the perils of social distancing.

Here’s some of my social distancing techniques I live by:

  • Be alert when you are walking in commonly used sidewalks ( I learned this the hard way)
  • If you see someone approaching go to the middle of the road (watch out and don’t get hit by oncoming traffic. I’m adhering to the 6 foot rule literally
  • Walk on the golf course (There you only have to worry about walking on deer and/or geese poop. If I do all 9 holes (Par 3), I can easily do 4500 steps!)
  • Walk at odd hours of the day, when the community is not out.. Early morning’s and late evenings are best..

I don’t plan on leaving my isolation for at least another month. Only when when we are all able to get tested (w/o having to go gyrations for getting tested) will I venture outside my comfort zone.

End of Decade – Dad’s look back

Tonight is the end of the decade. For me from 2010 to 2019 has been a decade of apocalyptic change. Yes, change happens to everyone, but for me, my life has been experienced the kind of changes that I could never have imagined. Divorce, illness, financial turmoil and a hard reset of my emotions were a significant portion of this decade. Don’t get me wrong, yes good things did happen to me, but I can say honestly, I’ve survived through a minefield of issues on a daily, weekly, month and yearly basis.. I’ve come out of ahead (or as I like to say “alive and kicking”) due to my determination to persevere through the difficult times and look for the light at the end of each tunnel that I found my self going through.

At the beginning of the decade, I had never heard the concept of “lifetime alimony” or truly understood what child support is. Even as my salary increased, my financial instability increased in proportion. All I knew at the beginning of the decade was being a dad and doing the best for my family. I existed to make my family secure..

When I started the decade, retirement was distant in the future and it was not really at the forefront of my thoughts. Today 9 years later, I think about retirement every day. Some days I find myself thinking all day long when can I retire and will I outlive my money? With the events of the past decade, I really cannot retire for at least 5 to 10 more years.. Ugh. If I had my druthers, I’d retire tomorrow and get a job at Walmart being a greeter.

When I started the decade, I was living the American Dream: I was a father who had brought into the myth of being an homeowner and being able to swim financially with a single income. That was just a pipe dream.. I owned a beautiful home which was my castle and two kids that were in middle and high school respectively.. So my priorities were preparing for their college education and I funneled as much into their education fund as I could do.. Yet in retrospect, I saved just enough for one child and not enough for another..

At the start of 2010, I had family, who I came home to every day and enjoyed being Dad’s taxi.. I lived for my wife and kids. We vacationed (multiple times) each year, fell deeper into debt and basically lived the American dream. Working to pay the bills and vacations was my mantra.. If I knew then what I know now, I wonder if things would have been different. Probably not.

Winter was beautiful as my house was a winter wonderland for the kids and for me, it was a joy to see them enjoying the home that my wife and I had raised them in. Summers were for pool fun and entertaining the extended family. Our home was a destination home for our extended family.. My home was referred to as “their summer home”. Holidays were meant for family togetherness. To me, I was living the dream, with me being oblivious to the nightmare that I would have in the second half of the decade.

On the outside a the beginning of the decade, it looked like we had a perfect home. A great home, a strong family and marriage.. Internally, my marriage was crumbling and my wife and I had started the path towards irreconcilable differences. We lived life to the max and every day we spiraled more and more into debt. As the dad, I “took from peter to pay paul”. I could have done things differently, but to do this I needed help and unfortunately this was not a version of reality that I was going to find at home.

During this decade I turned 50 and that’s when I realized, I was living a lie. I decided to speak up and this accelerated my marriage into a state of total un-fixable disarray. As everyone knows, you can never clap with one hand (except when you slap yourself). We both contributed to the dissolution of our marriage. By the middle of the decade, my marriage was over and my life crumbled around me. I lost my home (it became marital property) that I could not sell and I was now living in rentals.

My relationship with my kids (especially with my younger daughter) would never be the same. I’m not looking for any sympathy with these words, but to say that my divorce was financially destructive and would take the second half of the decade to recover. I could write extensively my situation during the middle of the decade, but that is not meant to be put into words here. After my divorce, I was determined to recover emotionally and financially. Today I can say, I’m in a good place on both.

This whole decade has been an experience in survival. I had everything, I lost my home and most of my financial stability, and now am on the path to recovery.. I see retirement being in my future ( I don’t know when, but retirement is in my future). The emotional turmoil that we went through taught us the appreciation for family and how fickle fate can be.

I had multiple health issues in this decade. What I learned is that I cannot take my health for granted. During the next decade, my health has to be my number one priority. My family is second and after that comes my career.

As I start the new decade, my kids are both educated. One child is giving back to society by being a social worker and the other is in college. My post divorce relationship with my ex-wife has become much better and we continue to co-parent cohesively. I am again a homeowner and am in a much happier place. I can best say that the past decade has been a period of tremendous change and upheaval.. Dad came out of it scarred but not beaten.

As I look forward to the new year and the new decade, I have optimism that this decade will be much calmer.. Hopefully, when I look back on this writing in 2029, I’ll be retired and alive! I’m hopeful of my kids succeeding in their life and for me to see them succeed. That’s what I would now define as happiness for me in the future.

I also have a list of things I want to do.. Go and see all four major opens for tennis (Australian, French, Wimbledon, and US Open (done!), tops my list.

I also plan on continuing with Dad’s Taxi and go back to the origins and become more humorous and insightful! I wish all my family, friends and everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous decade, which starts in a few hours!